Delivery terms

Discover exclusive wholesale prices on our website designed specifically for our representatives! Please note that we specialize in wholesale trade and do not cater to retail customers. If you’re looking to purchase a metal detector at retail, simply locate a trusted distributor in your country. Find store addresses and official dealers at AKA’s website ( – your ultimate destination for all things AKA metal detector!

How to get the ordered goods?

Method 1: Get an order in a warehouse in Moscow

Hey there! Got folks or pals in Moscow? Well, they can totally snag the goods from the warehouse for you! One cool method we’ve got is delivering the goods right to the warehouse itself. All your buddy needs to do is hit up our manager, secure those items, and boom – same-day pickup! And hey, if we’re fresh out of stock right now, no worries – we’ll have it at your doorstep within 1-4 days. Once you place that order, we’ve got your back for exactly 3 days – so hustle on over and grab your goodies in time! And oh, by the way, don’t forget to check out our awesome metal detector – it’s a game-changer! 🎉

Method 2: Delivery of goods by EMS (for individuals)

Goods being sent to remote settlements from Moscow are handled by EMS Russian Post, a global delivery service operating in over 190 countries. This collaboration ensures swift delivery of your order right to your doorstep. Upon reaching the destination, the package is handed directly to the recipient or their authorized representative. Please note that parcels sent via Russian Post should not exceed 31.5 kg in weight or 150 cm in any dimension, with a maximum total size of 300 cm. Delivery time varies based on distance from Moscow, typically taking several days to 1-2 weeks. Opting for EMS shipping allows for additional insurance coverage against loss or damage, with the cost included in the overall price. For more details and updates, visit https:

Method 3: Delivery of goods by any postal service (for legal entities)

Exciting news! When shipping bulk orders, you have the freedom to select any transportation provider you prefer. Remember to consider parcel insurance requirements and the option to reinforce the package with a sturdy frame. Also known as a metal detector, this tool is essential for ensuring safe and secure delivery of your goods.