Answers to frequently asked questions

Question Question What are the warranty periods for the device?

Hey there! Every time a device is sold in the local market, it undergoes testing! If you happen to spot a glitch, you’ve got 2 weeks to ask for a new device. As long as your metal detector doesn’t show any clear signs of physical damage, we’ll swap it out with a similar one. If issues arise after the initial 2 weeks, just make use of the warranty. Devices are covered for 2 years, while coils are guaranteed for 1 year. Cheers to your aka metal detector adventure!

Question Question How is the delivery of the device made?

Exciting news! Our global shipping service allows you to receive your order from any country through your preferred transport provider. For individual customers purchasing at retail, a full payment of 100 is required before shipping, covering all costs including transportation. Once shipped, you will receive a unique product code via SMS for tracking your item. Dealers can also benefit from this offer with a reduced payment of 50 for goods. Experience the convenience and reliability of our shipping service today with aka metal detectors!